Select Whether this was a Degree Bearing Program: Review Prior Records (Ongoing and Complete)
: Column 2 (Block 2) will prepopulate for prior records with data submitted in previous reporting periods.
Add New Records (Ongoing and Complete)
: Select whether each faculty development training program that was supported through the grant during the annual reporting period
culminates in awarding participants with a professional certificate or academic degree by clicking on the drop-down menu and choosing one of the following options:
For Degree-bearing Programs: Select Type of Degree Offered: Review Prior Records (Ongoing and Complete): Column 3 (Block 2a) will prepopulate for prior records with data submitted in previous reporting periods.
Add New Records: If you selected “Yes” in Column 2 (Block 2), select the type of degree that participants will earn when completing each program by clicking on the drop-down menu in Column 3 (Block 2a) and choosing
one of the options below:
If you selected “No” in Column 2 (Block 2), select 'N/A' in Column 3 (Block 2a).
For Degree-bearing Programs: Select Primary Focus Area: Review Prior Records (Ongoing and Complete):
Column 4 (Block 2b) will prepopulate for prior records with data submitted in previous reporting periods.
Add New Records (Ongoing and Complete)
: - If you selected 'No' in Column 2 (Block 2), select 'N/A' in Column 4 (Block 2b).
- If you selected “Yes” in Column 2 (Block 2), select the primary focus area of the degree-bearing structured faculty development program by clicking on the drop-down menu in Column 4 (Block 2b) and choosing one of the options below:
- Behavioral Health Integration
- Communication
- Community Partnerships
- Data Analytics and Assessment
- Health Equity
- Interprofessional Education
- Leadership and Systems Thinking
- Policy Development and Program Planning
- N/A
For Non-Degree Bearing Program, Enter Length of Training Program in Clock Hours: Review Prior Records (Ongoing and Complete),Column 5 (Block 3) will prepopulate for prior records with data submitted in previous reporting periods.
Add New Records:
If you selected “Yes” in Column 2 (Block 2), enter a zero (“0”) in Column 5, (Block 3).
If you selected “No” in Column 2 (Block 2), enter the length of each non-degree bearing structured faculty development program in clock hours in the textbox in Column 5 (Block 3).