Health Resources and Services Administration
Academic Year: 2023-2024
Bureau of Health Workforce
OMB Number: 0906-0086
Annual Performance Report
OMB Expiration Date: 03/31/2027
FD-2a: Faculty Development - Faculty Development Activities
FD-2a - Entering Faculty Development ActivitiesWarning Multiple steps are required to complete this portion of the subform. Please read instructions carefully *Add Faculty Development Activities |
Activity Name | | Add Record |
Figure 1. FD-2a - Entering Faculty Development Activities
Activity Name: - Enter the name of each new faculty development activity coordinated and/or supported through the grant during the current annual reporting period in Column 1 (Block 1)
- Select “Add Record”
- Repeat this process as necessary to enter each new faculty development activity.
FD-2a - Selecting Type of Faculty Development Activity OfferedWarning Multiple steps are required to complete this portion of the subform. Please read instructions carefully. Figure 2. FD-2a - Selecting Type of Faculty Development Activity Offered
Select Type of Faculty Development Activity Offered: Select the type of faculty development activity supported and/or coordinated through the grant during the current reporting period by clicking on the drop-down menu under Column 2 (Block 8) and choosing one of the following options: - Academic Course for Continuing Education
- Clinical Rotation for Continuing Education
- Grand Rounds for Continuing Education
- Professional Conference
- Training/Workshop for Continuing Education
For Courses or Workshops: Select Whether Activity is Accredited for Continuing Education Credit: - For Clinical Rotations and Grand Rounds for Continuing Education, as well as Professional Conferences (as selected in Column 2, Block 8), Select N/A for Column 3 (Block 8a)
- For Academic Courses and Trainings/Workshops for Continuing Education (as selected in Column 2, Block 8), select whether these activities are accredited for continuing education credit by clicking on the drop-down menu under Column 3 (Block 8a) and choosing one of the following options:
For Courses or Workshops: Select Whether Attendance was to Acquire or Maintain Professional Certification: - For Clinical Rotations and Grand Rounds for Continuing Education, as well as Professional Conferences (as selected in Column 2, Block 8), Select N/A for Column 4 (Block 8b)
- For Academic Courses and Trainings/Workshops for Continuing Education (as selected in Column 2, Block 8), select whether attendance by faculty was for the purposes of acquiring or maintaining a professional certification by clicking on the drop-down menu under Column 4 (Block 8b) and choosing one of the following options:
FD-2a - Entering Duration of Training Activity Figure 3. FD-2a - Entering Duration of Training Activity
Enter Duration of Training Activity in Clock Hours: All Records (Ongoing and Complete), Enter the duration (in clock hours) of each unstructured faculty development activity in the textbox in Column 5 (Block 9).
Note For activities less than one (1) hour, provide a decimal value by dividing the total number of minutes the course lasted by 60. Example: a 15-minute course would entered as 15/60 = .25. |
FD-2a - Selecting Delivery Mode Figure 4. FD-2a - Selecting Delivery Mode
Select Delivery Mode Used to Offer Training Activity: Select the primary delivery mode used to offer each faculty development activity by clicking on the drop-down menu in Column 6 (Block 10) and choosing one of the following options: - Classroom-based
- Clinical Rotation
- Distance learning (Online Webinar)
- Hybrid
- Other
FD-2a - Selecting Faculty Role(s) Figure 5. FD-2a - Selecting Faculty Role(s)
Select the Faculty Role(s) Addressed at Training Activity: Select the faculty role(s) addressed in each faculty development activity by clicking on the drop-down menu in Column 7 (Block 11) and choosing all that apply from the following options: - Administrator
- Clinician
- Educator
- Researcher