Selecting Grant Purpose(s) Figure 1. Selecting Grant Purpose(s)
To configure the BPMH system, please complete the Grant Purpose Setup form by selecting the specific type(s) of activities that were supported with grant funds during the reporting period (July 01, 2023 - June 30, 2024). BHWET-1: Professional Track- Add to existing, expand, and/or foster the development of (a) pre-degree internships for psychology doctoral students (PhD/PsyD), or (b) field placement/practicum slots for graduate–level behavioral health students: PC-4 PC-6 PC-7 IND-GEN IND-GEN-PY EXP-1 EXP-2 BHWET-2: Paraprofessional Track- Add to existing, expand, and/or foster the development of paraprofessional certificate programs for students in behavioral health training programs: PC-1 IND-GEN IND-GEN-PY EXP-1 EXP-2 BHWET-3: Curriculum Development and Enhancement: CDE-1 CDE-2 FD-2a FD-2b Warning Selections made in this form will affect the types of subforms and/or drop-down menu options that will appear throughout the BPMH system. Warning Unselecting a grant purpose will cause related forms and data to be deleted. If you need to unselect a grant purpose, contact your project officer first to ensure you do not unnecessarily lose any data. Note Grantees must select either Grant Purpose #1 or Grant Purpose #2 unless grantees are in both the Professional and Paraprofessional tracks, in which they may select Grant Purpose #3. To Complete the Form: Click on "Save and Validate" on the bottom right corner of your screen. If no errors are found, the BPMH system will automatically route you to the next required subform. |