EXP-2 - Selecting Training Program and Site NameWarning Multiple steps are required to complete this portion of the subform. Please read instructions carefully. Figure 1. EXP-2 - Selecting Training Program and Site Name
Type of Training Program: Select a training program by clicking on the drop-down menu in Column 1 and choosing one of the available options (programs that were marked on the Training Program Setup Form as “active” in the current reporting period).Site Name: Pair the selected training program with a site name by clicking on the drop-down menu in Column 2 (Block 1) and choosing one of the available options (sites that were marked in EXP-1 as “used” in the current reporting period). Repeat this process until all used Training Program/Site combinations used in EXP-2 are present. Note If the same site was used for multiple training programs, then multiple entries are required in the EXP-2 subform. Note If the same program used multiple training sites, then multiple entries are required in the EXP-2 subform. NoteThe EXP-2 form will initially appear blank. |
EXP-2 - Selecting Profession and Discipline/Specialty of Individuals Trained Figure 2. EXP-2 - Selecting Profession and Discipline/Specialty of Individuals Trained
Select Profession of Individuals Trained: Select the individual’s profession by clicking on the drop-down menu in Column 3 and selecting one of the available options. - Allied Health
- Allied Health - Student
- Behavioral Health
- Behavioral Health - Student
- Dentistry
- Dentistry - Student
- Medicine
- Medicine - Student
- Nursing
- Nursing - Student
- Other
- Other - Student
- Paraprofessional
- Paraprofessional - Student
- Physician Assistant
- Physician Assistant - Student
- Public Health
- Public Health - Student
Select Discipline/Specialty of Individuals Trained: Select the individual’s discipline/specialty by clicking on the drop-down menu in Column 3a and choosing from one of the available options. Please note that you must select a discipline/specialty that is associated with the profession you selected in Column 26c. The disciplines/specialties are organized by profession in the drop-down; please scroll to find the correct option. Example: If you are reporting on an individual who is a Plastic Surgeon, the Individual’s Profession would be “Medicine” and the Individual’s Discipline/Specialty would be “Plastic Surgery”.
Example: If you are reporting on an individual who is studying to be an Occupational Therapist, the Individual’s Profession would be “Allied Health – Student” and the Individual’s Discipline/Specialty would be “Occupational Therapy”. Example: If you are reporting on an individual who is a Clinical Social Worker, the Individual’s Profession would be “Behavioral Health” and the Individual’s Discipline/Specialty would be “Clinical Social Work”. |
EXP-2 - Entering # Trained in the Profession and Discipline Figure 3. EXP-2 - Entering # Trained in the Profession and Discipline
Enter # Trained in this Profession and Discipline: For each row, enter the number of "Principal" trainees in the profession and discipline listed. Note Principal trainees are those who were directly or indirectly supported through your grant. For your grant program, these are the individuals reported on the INDGEN form. Note Do not enter counts for faculty, site staff, or other non-trainees. Note If you are reporting "Other Interprofessional" trainees but NO Principal trainees for a particular disciplne, enter a zero in Column 4. |
EXP-2 - Entering # of Other Interprofessional trainees who participated in team-based care Figure 4. EXP-2 - Entering # of Other Interprofessional trainees who participated in team-based care
Enter # of Other Trainees in this Profession and Discipline Who Participated in Interprofessional Team-based care: In Column 5 (Block 8), enter the number of all "OTHER Interprofessional trainees" who participated in team-based care alongside your Principal Students. Counts provided should be based on individuals NOT reported on IND-GEN who were not associated with your HRSA-funded program. Note “Other Interprofessional” trainees are those individuals who trained at the same site on an interdisciplinary team with your principal trainees, but who did not received support from or have an association with your HRSA grant. Note Do not enter counts for faculty, site staff, or other non-trainees. Note If you are reporting "Principal" trainees but NO "Other Interprofessional" trainees for a particular discipline, enter a zero in Column 5. |
EXP-2 - Adding Individuals Trained Example 1 Figure 5. EXP-2 - Adding Individuals Trained Example 1
Example 1. Principal Trainees ONLY (no interprofessional trainees): In Example 1, students from the Psychology internship program did not participate in interprofessional experiences, so only principal trainees are being reported. The principal Psychology internship students trained at 3 different clinical training sites. • At Site 1, there were 24 principal Psychology interns and no “other interprofessional” trainees (see row 1). • At Site 2, there were 10 principal Psychology interns and no “other interprofessional” trainees (see row 2). • At Site 3, there were 4 principal Psychology interns and no “other interprofessional” trainees (see row 3). |
EXP-2 - Adding Individuals Trained Example 2 Figure 6. EXP-2 - Adding Individuals Trained Example 2
Example 2. Principal AND Interprofessional Trainees: In Example 2, students from the Psychology internship program participated in interprofessional training experiences alongside other trainees. · At Site 1, 24 principal Psychology interns trained alongside “other interprofessional” trainees: 2 medical students and 3 Psychiatry residents who were not associated with the HRSA grant (see rows 1-3). · At Site 2, 15 principal Psychology interns trained alongside “other interprofessional” trainees: 4 pharmacy students who were not associated with the HRSA grant (see rows 4 and 5) |
EXP-2 - Adding Individuals Trained Example 3 Figure 7. EXP-2 - Adding Individuals Trained Example 3
Example 3. Principal AND Interprofessional Trainees: In Example 3, students from the Psychology internship program participated in interprofessional training experiences alongside other trainees, including other Psychology interns who were not associated with the HRSA grant. · At Site 1, 24 principal Psychology interns trained alongside “other interprofessional” trainees: 2 Psychiatry residents and 10 other Psychology interns who were not associated with the HRSA grant (see rows 1 and 2). · At Site 2, 10 principal Psychology interns trained alongside “other interprofessional” trainees: 5 medical students and 22 other Psychology interns who were not associated with the HRSA grant (see rows 3 and 4). |
EXP-2 - Selecting Type of Site Used Figure 8. EXP-2 - Selecting Type of Site Used
Select Type of Site Used: Following the selection of a training site in EXP-1, the associated type of site will be automatically populated when the save and validate button is selected. - Academic institution
- Acute Care for the Elderly (ACE) Units
- Acute care services
- Aerospace operations setting
- Ambulatory practice sites
- Assisted Living Community
- Community Behavioral Health Center
- Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC)
- Community Health Center (CHC)
- Community Care Programs for Elderly Mentally Challenged Individuals
- Community-based Care Programs for Elderly Mentally Challenged Individuals
- Community Mental Health Center
- Community-based Organization
- Dental Services
- Day and Home Care Programs (e.g. Home Health)
- Extended care facilities
- Dentist Office
- Emergency Room
- Federal and State Bureau of Prisons
- Federal Government - Other
- FQHC or look-alike
- Hospital - academic center
- Geriatric Ambulatory Care and Comprehensive Units
- Hospital - community
- Geriatric Behavioral or Mental Health Units
- Hospital - federal
- Geriatric Consultation Services
- Hospice
- Hospital - for profit
- Hospital - Nonprofit
- Hospital
- National health association
- Independent Living Facility
- Indian Health Service (IHS) Site
- International Nonprofit/Nongovernmental Organization
- Local Government Office or Agency
- Local Health Department
- Long-Term Care Facility
- Mobile Clinic/Site
- National Health Association or Affiliate
- Nurse Managed Health Clinics
- Nursing Home
- Other
- Other Community Health Center (e.g. free clinic)
- Other Oral Health Facility
- Physician Office
- Surgery Clinic
- Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly
- Veterans Affairs Healthcare (e.g. VA Hospital or clinic)
- Residential Living Facility
- School-based Clinic
- Senior Centers
- Specialty Clinics (e.g. mental health practice/rehabilitation/substance abuse clinic)
- State Government Office or Agency
- State Health Department
- Tribal Government
- Tribal Health Department
- Tribal Organization
- Veterans Affairs Hospital or Clinic
EXP-2 - Selecting Type of Setting Where the Site was Located Figure 9. EXP-2 - Selecting Type of Setting Where the Site was Located
Select Type of Setting Where the Site was Located: Following the selection of a training site in EXP-1, the associated settings will be automatically populated when the save and validate button is selected. - Medically underserved community
- Primary Care Setting
- Rural area
- None of the above
To Complete the Form: Click on the “Save and Validate” button located on the bottom right corner of your screen. If no errors are found, the BPMH system will automatically route you to the next required subform. |