Health Resources and Services Administration
Academic Year: 2023-2024
Bureau of Health Workforce
OMB Number: 0906-0086
Annual Performance Report
OMB Expiration Date: 03/31/2027
SOHWP-F: State Dental Offices
SOHWP-F - Selecting whether a new state dental office/position was createdWarning Multiple steps are required to complete this portion of the subform. Please read instructions carefully. Figure 1. SOHWP-F - Selecting whether a new state dental office/position was created
Select whether a new state dental office was created: Click on the dropdown menu in Column 1 (Block 14) and select one of the following options to indicate whether a new State dental office was established as a result of activities supported by the grant during the current reporting period:Select whether a new state dental officer position was created: Click on the dropdown menu in Column 2 (Block 15) and select one of the following options to indicate whether a new State dental officer position was created as a result of activities supported by the grant during the current reporting period: |
SOHWP-F - Entering # of New Support Staff Members Hired Figure 2. SOHWP-F - Entering # of New Support Staff Members Hired
In each of the following Columns 3-8 (Blocks 16-21), click on the textbox under each column and enter the number of new support staff members hired to support the State dental officer and office as indicated below (0.5 FTE or greater) as a result of the grant during the current reporting period: Enter # of new support staff members hired: Administrative: Enter the number of new Administrative staff hired in the textbox in Column 3 (Block 16).Enter # of new support staff members hired: Dentists, Dental Hygienists, Oral Health Coordination: Enter the number of new dentists, dental hygienists and/or oral health coordination staff members hired in the textbox in Column 4 (Block 17).Enter # of new support staff members hired: Fluoridation Expert: Enter the number of new fluoridation expert staff members hired in the textbox in Column 5 (Block 18).Enter # of new support staff members hired: Epidemiologist: Enter the number of new epidemiologist staff members hired in the textbox in Column 6 (Block 19).Enter # of new support staff members hired: Statistician: Enter the number of new statistician staff members hired in the textbox in Column 7 (Block 20).Enter # of new support staff members hired: Other: Enter the number of new other staff members hired in the textbox in Column 8 (Block 21). Warning If there is no data for a specific Block, enter "0". |
SOHWP-F - Selecting Whether Staff Members Hired in a Previous Reporting Period have been RetainedWarning Completing this subform requires multiple steps. Please read instructions carefully. Figure 3. SOHWP-F - Selecting Whether Staff Members Hired in a Previous Reporting Period have been Retained
Click on the dropdown menu under each Column and select whether the indicated staff member hired in a previous reporting period as a result of the grant has been retained in the current reporting period. Select from the following options in each Column 9-14 (Block 16a-21a): Select whether staff members hired in a previous reporting period have been retained: Administrative: Select whether staff members hired in a previous reporting period have been retained: Dentist, Dental Hygienist Oral Health Coordination: Select whether staff members hired in a previous reporting period have been retained: Fluoridation Expert: Select whether staff members hired in a previous reporting period have been retained: Epidemiologist: Select whether staff members hired in a previous reporting period have been retained: Statistician: Select whether staff members hired in a previous reporting period have been retained: Other: Once you have selected an option for each staff member type in each block, click on the “Save and Validate” button at the bottom right hand of the page to complete your entry. If no errors are found, the BPMH system will automatically route you to the subforms for any additional Grant Purposes you selected in the Grant Purpose Setup Form or click on the "Submit" button in the left hand side of the EHB to begin the submission process of your PRGCA. |