Health Resources and Services Administration
Academic Year: 2023-2024
Bureau of Health Workforce
OMB Number: 0906-0086
Annual Performance Report
OMB Expiration Date: 03/31/2027
PC-9: Program Characteristics –Positions Description
PC-9 - Selecting Type of Training Program *Add Academic/Training Year |
Select Training Program | | Add Record |
Figure 1. PC-9 - Selecting Type of Training Program
Type of Training Program: Select a training program by clicking on the drop-down menu next to "Select Training Program" and choosing one of the available options. (The options available under "Type of Training Program" will prepopulate with information that was entered and saved in the Training Program Setup Form.) Note The options available under "Type of Training Program" will prepopulate with information that was entered and saved in the Training Program Setup Form. |
PC-9 - Selecting Training Year *Add Academic/Training Year |
Select Training Year | | Add Record |
Figure 2. PC-9 - Selecting Training Year
Training Year: - Select the types of training years that apply to the training program supported through the grant by clicking on the drop-down menu next to "Select Training Year" and choosing all that apply from the options listed below.
- Next, click on the "Add Record" button to save your entry.
- Repeat this process as necessary to capture training years associated with each residency program supported through the grant.
- Fellowship Year 1
- Fellowship Year 2
- Fellowship Year 3
- Fellowship Year 4
- Fellowship Year 5
- Fellowship Year 6
- Fellowship Year 7
- Residency Year 1
- Residency Year 2
- Residency Year 3
- Residency Year 4
- Residency Year 5
- Residency Year 6
- Residency Year 7
- Residency Year 8
Warning Fellowship Years should only be selected for Fellowships or Major Participating Sites/Rotation Site Programs. Warning Residency Years should only be selected for Residencies or Major Participating Sites/Rotation Site Programs. Note To determine if a resident or fellow should be reported in this summer’s APR, consider their start date. If an individual’s residency or fellowship started this June/July, do not report them this Academic Year; they will be reported in next summer’s APR. If the individual’s residency or fellowship started last June/July, please report them this Academic Year. They should be counted as Year 1 residents/fellows. Example: If the residents started in June/July 2022, they should be reported as program Year 1 on the AY 2022-2023 APR. If they started in June/July 2023, they should be reported as program Year 1 on the AY 2023-2024 APR. |
PC-9 - Entering Total # of Accredited Positions Figure 3. PC-9 - Entering Total # of Accredited Positions
Enter Total # of Accredited Positions: For each training year, enter the total number of accredited positions in the textbox in Column 3 (Block 4). |
PC-9 - Entering Total # of Positions Recruited For Figure 4. PC-9 - Entering Total # of Positions Recruited For
Enter Total # of Positions Recruited For: For each training year, enter the number of positions recruited for during the reporting period in the textbox in Column 4 (Block 5). |
PC-9 - Entering Total # of Positions Filled Figure 5. PC-9 - Entering Total # of Positions Filled
Enter Total # of Positions Filled: For each training year, enter the total number of positions filled in the textbox in Column 5 (Block 6). |
PC-9 - Entering # of Residents in FTE Positions Figure 6. PC-9 - Entering # of Residents in FTE Positions
Enter # of Residents in FTE Positions: For each training year, enter the total number of trainees in FTE positions in the textbox in Column 7. To Complete the Form: Click on the “Save and Validate” button located on the bottom right corner of your screen. If no errors are found, the BPMH system will automatically route you to the next required subform. |