Training Program Setup - Training Program Setup RequirementsWarning Review the manual carefully when filling out your APR and contact your BHW project officer if any requirements are unclear. Training Program Setup - Training Program Setup requirements Please note that Sponsoring Institutions and non-Sponsoring Institutions have different reporting requirements. According to ACGME, sponsoring institutions are any “entity that oversees, supports, and administers one or more ACGME-accredited residency/fellowship programs.” Sponsoring Institutions : - Report on Residencies (including completing PC-8) and/or Fellowships (including completing PC-6) - Complete the PC-9, PC-10, INDGEN, INDGEN-PY, CHD, EXP, and PCC forms Non-Sponsoring Institutions: - Report on Major Participating/Rotating Sites, including completing the PC-10, INDGEN, and EXP forms. - Additionally, training one or more Residents or Fellows (at the >75% FTE level) classifies your CHGME-funded training activity as a reporting program, regardless of your institution’s sponsoring status. This means your institution must report individual-level data on all residents and fellows trained at the site on the INDGEN and INDGEN-PY forms. You must also fill out the PCC form on that program. Reference Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). Frequently Asked Questions: Institutional Requirements. January 2022. |
Training Program Setup - Selecting Type of Training ProgramThe Training Program Setup form will configure all subsequent subforms specific to fellowship, residency, and major participating sites/rotation sites (depending on your grant). *Add Training Program |
Select Type of Training Program Offered | | Add Record |
Figure 1. Training Program Setup - Selecting Type of Training Program
Select Type of Training Program Offered: Select the type of training program supported through the grant during the current reporting period by clicking on the drop-down menu next to “Select Type of Training Program Offered” and choosing one of the following options: - Fellowship program
- Major Participating Site/Rotation Site
- Residency program
NoteTraining programs at sponsoring institutions must select Residency or Fellowship Program. Training programs at non-sponsoring institutions must select "Major Participating/Rotation Site."
NoteFellowship programs train fully credentialed physicians in subspecialties. If needed, please review the list of ACGME-accredited fellowships and their residency dependencies here:
NoteIf needed, please review the list of ACGME-accredited residencies here:
NotePreviously reported training programs (i.e., prior records) will prepopulate in the “Saved Records” table. If you have no NEW training programs to add, proceed to the instructions in the final step of this form ("Selecting Training Activity Status"). |
Training Program Setup - Loading Program Details Figure 2. Training Program Setup - Loading Program Details
Click on the “Load Program Details” button to activate the remaining drop-down menus in this setup form. |
Training Program Setup - Adding Fellowship Program *Add Training Program |
For a Fellowship, Residency, Practicum/Field Placement, Internship or 1-year Retraining Program, Select the Primary Discipline of Individuals Trained | | Add Record |
Figure 3. Training Program Setup - Adding Fellowship Program
For a Fellowship, Residency, Practicum/Field Placement, Internship or 1-year Retraining Program, Select the Primary Discipline of Individuals Trained: - Select the profession and discipline of each fellowship program supported with grant funds by clicking on the drop-down menu and choosing one of options below. Note: Please capture the profession/discipline of the fellowship program, not specific rotations within the fellowship program. The specialty/subspecialty of individual trainees is captured on the INDGEN form.
- Next, click on the "Add Record" button to save your entry.
- Repeat this process as necessary to capture the primary profession and discipline of each fellowship program supported with grant funds during the current reporting period.
Training Program Setup - Adding Residency Program *Add Training Program |
For a Fellowship, Residency, Practicum/Field Placement, Internship or 1-year Retraining Program, Select the Primary Discipline of Individuals Trained | | Add Record |
Figure 4. Training Program Setup - Adding Residency Program
Training Program Setup - Adding Major Participating Site/Rotation Site *Add Training Program |
For a Major Participating Site/Rotation Site, Select the Program Name | | Add Record |
Figure 5. Training Program Setup - Adding Major Participating Site/Rotation Site
For a Major Participating Site/Rotation Site, Select the Program Name: - Select the Program Name by clicking on the drop-down menu and choosing one of options below. Note: To set up a Major Participating Site/Rotation Site, please capture the training program associated with the site/rotation, not the overarching training program. For example, select Pediatric Medical Subspecialties - Pediatric Cardiology to capture the Pediatric Cardiology rotation of a General Pediatrics residency.
- Next, click on the "Add Record" button to save your entry.
- Repeat this process as necessary to capture the program name for each of the major participating sites/training sites supported with grant funds during the current reporting period.
Training Program Setup - Selecting Training Activity Status Figure 6. Training Program Setup - Selecting Training Activity Status
Select Training Activity Status in the Current Reporting Period: Select the status of each program at the end of the current reporting period (i.e., June 30, 2024) by choosing one of the options below: Warning All NEW training programs must be marked “Active” during the reporting period in which they were created. Note Select "Active" for a program that was offered during the current reporting period. If you are reporting any activity for a program, please select active. Note Select "Inactive" for a program that was NOT offered during the current reporting period. Selecting ‘Inactive’ indicates that the training program is completed, you are no longer administering it, and you have no active INDGEN records. You will not report on any aspect of an inactive program, and all records associated with the program (i.e., EXP, CHD, PDD records) will be made inactive. To Complete the Form: Click on "Save and Validate" on the bottom right corner of your screen. If no errors are found, the BPMH system will automatically route you to the next required subform. |