Select whether status/employment data are available for the individual 1-year post graduation/completion: Select whether current employment data are available for each resident or fellow who received a BHW-funded financial award and completed their training program one year prior to this report by clicking on the drop-down menu under Block 23 and choosing
one of the following options.
Select Individual's Current Training/Employment Status: Select the current employment status of the individual by clicking on the drop-down menu under Column 14 and choosing all that apply. If you selected No for Column 13, select N/A in Column 14. None of the above and N/A cannot be selected in combination with any other options.
- Individual is not currently employed
- Individual is employed at a NHSC-approved site
- Individual is providing behavioral health services
- Individual is providing maternal health care
- Individual is serving individuals with OUD/SUD
- N/A
- None of the above
- Individual currently practices in a medically underserved area
- Individual currently practices in a primary care setting
- Individual currently practices in a rural area
- Individual is currently conducting research
- Individual is currently teaching
- Individual is receiving advanced training (fellowship etc.)
Select Whether Your Organization Hired this Individual - PY: Select whether your organization hired this individual following training program completion by clicking on the drop-down menu under Column 16 and choosing one of options below. If you selected No for Column 13, select N/A in Column 16.
Select Whether a Partner Organization Hired this Individual - PY: Select whether a partner organization hired this individual following training program completion by clicking on the drop-down menu under Column 17 and choosing one of the options below. If employment data are not available for the individual, select “N/A.”Select Employment Location - PY: Select the type of employment location where the individual was hired following training program completion by clicking on the drop-down menu under Column 18 and choosing one of the options below. If employment data are not available for the individual, select “N/A.”- Academic Institution
- Academic Medical Center
- Area Health Education Center
- Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC)
- Community Behavioral Health/Mental Health Center
- Community Health Center (CHC)
- Critical Access Hospital
- Federal Government
- FQHC or Look-Alike
- Health Department (local/state/tribal)
- Hospital (non-academic)
- Indian Health Service (IHS)/Tribal/Urban Indian Health Center
- Nursing Home
- Other Clinical Health Setting
- Other Community-Based Organization
- Other Long-term Care Facility
- Other Specialty Clinic
- Private Industry
- Private Practice
- Residential Living Facility (including independent and assisted living)
- Rural Health Clinic
- School-based Clinic
- State or Local Government
- US Armed Forces
- Veterans Affairs Healthcare (e.g. VA hospital or clinic)
- Pursuing Additional Education or Training
- Not Currently Employed
- N/A
Enter Zip Code PY: If ‘Yes’ was selected in column 13, enter the zip code (5 digits) of the employment site.
If ‘No’ was selected, leave column 18a blank.
City PY: Employment City (column 18b) will auto-populate based on Employment Location Zip Code (column 18c) after you save and validate the form.
State PY: Employment State (column 18c) will auto-populate based on Employment Location Zip Code (column 18a) after you save and validate the form.