Health Resources and Services Administration
Academic Year: 2023-2024
Bureau of Health Workforce
OMB Number: 0906-0086
Annual Performance Report
OMB Expiration Date: 03/31/2027
PC-10: Program Characteristics – Major Participating Sites/Rotation Sites
PC-10 - Selecting Partnerships Developed Using BHW Funds Figure 1. PC-10 - Selecting Partnerships Developed Using BHW Funds
Select the Primary Purpose of the Grant Partnership(s) Developed or Enhanced using BHW Funding: Select the primary purpose of the partnership used to develop or enhance the training program by clicking on the drop-down menu in column 3a and selecting the most applicable option. - Clinical/experiential training
- Community outreach
- Curriculum development
- Didactic training
- Establishing and maintaining apprenticeships
- Field placements in medically underserved and/or rural areas
- Interprofessional training
- Job placement
- Matriculation into health professions schools
- Mentoring students/trainees
- Providing faculty development
- Providing faculty/clinical preceptors
- Recruitment of trainees
- Recruitment of URM/disadvantaged/rural trainees
- Technical assistance
- None of the above
- No partnerships developed or expanded
Select Types of Partner Organizations for the Primary Purpose: Select the type(s) of organizations associated with the primary partnership purpose indicated in question 3a by clicking on the drop-down menu in column 3b and choosing all options that apply. - Academic Institution
- Academic Medical Center
- Area Health Education Center
- Certified Community Behavioral Health Center (CCBHC)
- Community Behavioral Health/Mental Health Center
- Community Health Center (CHC)
- Critical Access Hospital
- Federal Government
- FQHC or Look-Alike
- Health Department (local/state/tribal)
- Hospital (non-academic)
- Indian Health Service (IHS)/Tribal/Urban Indian Health Center
- Nursing Home
- Other Clinical Health Setting
- Other Community-Based Organization
- Other Long-term Care Facility
- Other Specialty Clinic
- Private Industry
- Private Practice
- Residential Living Facility (including independent and assisted living)
- Rural Health Clinic
- School-based Clinic
- State or Local Government
- US Armed Forces
- Veterans Affairs Healthcare (e.g. VA hospital or clinic)
- N/A
Select Secondary Purpose(s) of the Grant Partnership(s): Select any additional purpose(s) of the partnerships used to develop or enhance the training program by clicking on the drop-down menu in column 3c and choosing all options that apply. - Clinical/experiential training
- Community outreach
- Curriculum development
- Didactic training
- Establishing and maintaining apprenticeships
- Field placements in medically underserved and/or rural areas
- Interprofessional training
- Job placement
- Matriculation into health professions schools
- Mentoring students/trainees
- Providing faculty development
- Providing faculty/clinical preceptors
- Recruitment of trainees
- Recruitment of URM/disadvantaged/rural trainees
- Technical assistance
- N/A
PC-10 - Entering Positions Information for Major Participating/Rotation Sites Figure 2. PC-10 - Entering Positions Information for Major Participating/Rotation Sites
Enter # of Approved Positions: For each training year, enter the total number of approved positions in the textbox in Column 4.Enter # of Recruited Positions: For each training year, enter the number of positions recruited for during the reporting period in the textbox in Column 5.Enter # of Approved Positions Filled: For each training year, enter the total number of approved positions filled in the textbox in Column 6.Enter # of Residents Rotating Through Programs: For each training year, enter the total number of trainees who received training at a non-sponsoring institution serving as a major participating/rotation site in the textbox in Column 7.Enter # of Trainees Spending >75% under Children's Hospital Supervision: For each training year, enter the total number of trainees spending >75 percent of their time or more under Children's Hospital Supervision at a non-sponsoring institution serving as a major participating/rotation site in the textbox in Column 8.Enter # of Core Physician Faculty as Reported to ACGME or AOA: For each training year, enter the total number of core physician faculty as reported to ACGME in Column 9. Note If the program has not been assigned # of approved positions, the value will be zero for columns 4, 5 and 6. Note The number in column 8 must be less than or equal to the number in column 7. Note Individuals who were reported as having graduated from major participating sites/rotation sites will appear on INDGEN-PY if one or more residents or fellows from the training program are greater than 75% of an FTE. To Complete the Form: Click on the “Save and Validate” button located on the bottom right corner of your screen. If no errors are found, the BPMH system will automatically route you to the next required subform. |