PCC - Excel Template (optional)Warning Do not modify the format of the template. For example: renaming the column names, deleting columns, renaming worksheets, etc. The system will not process your Excel file successfully. However, changing the order of the columns in the template or adding new columns to the template will not impact the processing of your file. Warning If you enter invalid codes or invalid characters (including spaces) for a multi-select field, the data for that field will be ignored and will not be uploaded. Once you click "Save" in the EHB system, an error message will indicate that there is missing data for that field. GENERAL DATA ENTRY GUIDELINES Program Curriculum Changes (PCC) data must be entered in the ‘PCC’ worksheet of your Excel workbook. Please list all courses and training activities implemented by your residency or fellowship program as part of its training/curriculum in the most recent academic year. - Training programs with at least one full-time equivalent resident will be populated in the 'Select Residency Program Name' dropdown list in the PCC worksheet.
- The combination of the columns ‘Select Residency Program Name’ and 'Enter the Name of Course or Training Activity' must be unique across all the rows in the worksheet. Duplicate rows will not be processed by the system.
- In each row, you can expect the following types of data fields:
- Data entry field - For this type of field(s) you must enter data. Example: Enter the Name of Course or Training Activity
- Single-Select field - For this type of field(s) you must select one option from the list of preset choices in the dropdown box. Example: Select Type of Course or Training Activity
- Multi-Select field - For this type of field(s), you can specify more than one value. Example: Select Topics in Quality Improvement and Measurement. Please refer to the detailed instructions below.
- Providing data for Multi-Select fields (Select Topics in Quality Improvement and Measurement):
- Columns with multi-select fields are highlighted in a different color (gray color). The column labels also have the word (Multiple-Select)
- For each multi-select field, you must enter comma separated codes corresponding to the multi-select options. The ‘MultiSelect Legend’ worksheet provides the list of options and codes for all the multi-select fields.
Multi-Select Field Name in PCC worksheet: Select Topics in Quality Improvement and Measurement (Multi-Select) - Step 1: Refer to the ‘MultiSelect Legend’ worksheet and locate the multi-select field
- Step 2: You will see the options and the corresponding codes displayed in the following format

- Step 3: If you wish to select the options ‘360 evaluations’ and ‘Advocacy training’, you must enter a comma-separated list of the codes 5 and 15 corresponding to these options under the ‘Select Topics in Quality Improvement and Measurement (Multi-select)’ column in the PCC worksheet. The format is displayed below:
 Copying and pasting data into the Excel template from an external source: - You can copy and paste data for data entry fields from another source/file. Examples of data entry fields: Enter the Name of Course or Training Activity, Enter the Curriculum the Course or Training Activity is Associated With, etc.
- It is recommended that you do NOT copy and paste data for single-select or multi-select fields. The values provided for single-select or multi-select fields must exactly match the values that exist in the system. Hence, for single-select or multi-select fields you must select the options provided in the template. Examples of single-select or multi-select fields: Select Type of Course or Training Activity, Select Primary Topic Area, etc.
PCC worksheet: - Ensure that the combination of ‘Select Residency Program Name’ and 'Enter the Name of Course or Training Activity' is unique across all rows in the ‘PCC’ worksheet. Duplicate rows will not be processed by the system.
- If you do not provide ‘Select Residency Program Name’ or 'Enter the Name of Course or Training Activity' for one or more rows, the corresponding rows will be ignored and will not be uploaded when the file is processed. Once you click "Process Data" in the EHB system, a warning message will be displayed on the screen indicating that your file was partially processed.
- If you provide invalid data for any column, the data entered in the corresponding field will be ignored and will not be uploaded. Once you click "Save" in the EHB system, an error message will indicate that there is missing data for that field.
Uploading the Excel file in the EHBs: Once you have completed the Excel file: - Log into the HRSA EHBs and access your CHGME Annual Performance Report,
- navigate to the PCC form,
- upload your Excel file under the 'Upload Course/Training Activities Data' section, and
- click the 'Process Data' button.
The data from your Excel file is transferred to the PCC screen in the EHB system. NoteIf you need to delete the existing PCC file, please use the following steps. However, it is recommended that you first click on the existing file name and save it to your local machine because the deletion cannot be undone; once you click delete, the file is gone. To delete, follow these instructions: - Navigate to the PCC form in the APR
- Click on the down arrow next to ‘Update Description’
- Click on the ‘Delete’ link. A popup window will display to confirm the deletion.
- Click the ‘Download Template’ button to download the PCC template
PCC - Selecting Residency Program Name Figure 1. PCC - Selecting Residency Program Name
Select Residency Program Name: Select a training program by clicking on the drop-down menu in Column 1 and choosing one of the available options (programs that were marked on the Training Program Setup Form as “active” in the current reporting period). |
PCC - Entering the Course/Training Activity Name Figure 2. PCC - Entering the Course/Training Activity Name
Enter the Name of Course or Training Activity: Enter a name for the Course or Training Activity in in Column 2 (Block 1). |
PCC - Selecting Type of Course or Training Activity Figure 3. PCC - Selecting Type of Course or Training Activity
Select Type of Course or Training Activity: Select the type of course or training activity offered in the current reporting period by clicking on the drop-down menu in Column 3 (Block 2) and choosing one of the following options: - Academic course
- Clinical rotation
- Faculty development programs or activities
- Field placement/practicum
- Grand rounds
- Workshop
PCC - Selecting whether Course was Newly Developed or Enhanced Figure 4. PCC - Selecting whether Course was Newly Developed or Enhanced
Select whether Course or Training Activity was Newly Developed or Enhanced: Select whether the course or training activity was newly developed or enhanced in the current reporting period by clicking on the drop-down menu in Column 4 (Block 3) and choosing one of the following options: - Enhanced
- Newly developed
- No changes
PCC - Selecting Primary Topic Area Figure 5. PCC - Selecting Primary Topic Area
Select Primary Topic Area: Select the primary topic area of the course or training activity offered in the current reporting period by clicking on the drop-down menu in Column 5 and choosing one of the following options: |
PCC - Selecting Topics in Quality Improvement and Measurement Figure 6. PCC - Selecting Topics in Quality Improvement and Measurement
Select Topics in Quality Improvement and Measurement: Select which quality improvement and measurement topics each course or training activity addressed in the current reporting period by clicking on the drop-down menu in Column 6, and selecting all of the following options that apply: - AHRQ Clinical Performance Measures for Ambulatory Care
- AHRQ Pediatric Quality Indicators
- Ambulatory care sensitive conditions
- Audit and feedback approaches
- Benchmarking
- Consumer Assessments of Health Plans (CAHPS)
- Evidence-based medicine
- Facilitated relay of clinical data to providers
- Financial incentives (e.g. pay for performance)
- Health care disparities
- Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set (HEDIS)
- Interdisciplinary care
- Organizational changes
- Other
- Patient education
- Patient reminder systems
- Performance measurement and indicators
- Physician education
- Physician reminder systems
- Practice guidelines
- Promotion of disease self-management
- Quality characteristics
- Sentinel event
- Severity/risk adjustment
- Small area variation
- Structure/Process/ Outcomes Measures
- Systematic literature reviews/meta-analysis
- Use of practice guidelines
- Volume-outcomes
- None of the above
PCC - Entering Curriculum Figure 7. PCC - Entering Curriculum
Enter the Curriculum the Course or Training Activity is Associated With: Type the name of the curriculum associated with each course or training activity that was developed or enhanced through the grant in the textbox in Column 7 (Block 5). Note If the course or training activity that was developed or enhanced is not associated with a specific curriculum, type "N/A". |
PCC - Selecting Delivery Mode Figure 8. PCC - Selecting Delivery Mode
Select Delivery Mode Used to Offer this Course or Training Activity: Select the primary mode used to deliver each course or training activity that was developed or enhanced through the grant by clicking on the drop-down menu in Column 8 (Block 6) and choosing one of the following options: - Classroom-based
- Clinical Rotation
- Distance learning (Online Webinar)
- Experiential/Field-based
- Grand rounds
- Hybrid
To Complete the Form: Click on the “Save and Validate” button located on the bottom right corner of your screen. If no errors are found, the BPMH system will automatically route you to the next required subform. |