Health Resources and Services Administration
Academic Year: 2023-2024
Bureau of Health Workforce
OMB Number: 0906-0086
Annual Performance Report
OMB Expiration Date: 03/31/2027
Individual Characteristics-INDGEN Subforms
INDGEN - Introduction Notice to Grantees about Individual-level Data: - You must complete an INDGEN record for every individual who:
- Received direct financial support (e.g., scholarships, stipends, loans, loan repayment) from the HRSA-funded grant
- In addition, annual updates are required for individuals who were previously reported on INDGEN and were not marked as having graduated, completed, or attrited from their training program by July 01, 2023 - June 30, 2024.
- For prior records, the BPMH system will prepopulate certain blocks in the INDGEN subform with data submitted in previous reporting periods for each individual. All other fields must be updated on an annual basis until the individual graduates from, completes, or permanently leaves their training program.
- The INDGEN subform will automatically calculate and display a read-only column labeled "Academic Year Total". This is the total amount entered for a given academic year.
- Individuals who were reported as having graduated from or completed their training program in the previous reporting period will automatically be transferred from INDGEN to the INDGEN-PY subform after one (1) full calendar year has passed from their graduation/completion. At that point, one-year post-graduation/completion employment status data must be provided for each individual.
Warning For the CHGME grant program, please only enter individuals who received direct financial support. Note To view data submitted in previous reporting period, click on the "View Prior Period Data" link on top of the form. Note All individuals who were reported as having graduated from major participating sites/rotation sites will appear on INDGEN-PY if one or more residents or fellows from the training program are greater than 75% of an FTE. Figure 1. Example of records transferred between IND-GEN to INDGEN-PY