Health Resources and Services Administration
Academic Year: 2023-2024
Bureau of Health Workforce
OMB Number: 0906-0086
Annual Performance Report
OMB Expiration Date: 03/31/2027
Experiential Characteristics-EXP Subforms
EXP - Introduction1. Purpose: The EXP subforms are used to characterize experiential or clinical training characteristics, including training sites and the number and profession/discipline of trainees. - The EXP-1 Setup form captures information about the sites used by grantees to provide trainees with in-person clinical or experiential training
- The EXP-2 subform collects information about the profession and discipline of individuals trained at each site that was entered in the EXP-1 Setup form.
2. Order of Subforms: - EXP subforms MUST be completed in order, otherwise drop-down menus will not prepopulate correctly.
- You must complete and ‘Save and Validate’ EXP-1 first before proceeding to EXP-2.
3. Pre-population of Prior Records (training sites) reported previously: - The BPMH system will prepopulate the names each site previously reported in the Saved Records Table within the EXP-1 subform.
- You must indicate whether each previously-reported site was used during the current annual reporting period.
- If ‘Yes’ was selected, the BPMH system will include the site as an option in the EXP-2 subform.
If ‘No’ was selected, the BPMH system will not include the site as an option in the EXP-2 subform. Warning Complete the EXP-1 and EXP-2 subforms only for sites used to train individuals who appear on the INDGEN subform. Reference Refer to the glossary for definitions of "experiential training" and "clinical training." |