IND-GEN form captures individual-level information about students, faculty, or
other types of awardees who either received direct financial support (e.g.,
loans, loan repayment, scholarships, or stipends) through a HRSA grant or participated
in specific types of HRSA-supported training. Please complete this form in its
entirety. If you have any questions about how to complete this form, please
refer to the instruction manual and/or contact your Government Project Officer.
If you wish to view data that were submitted in
the prior reporting period, click on the ‘View Prior Period Data’ link and a
read-only version of your most recent prior performance report will pop-up in a
new screen. Also, records about ongoing training programs or activities from
the prior reporting period will auto-populate into this form and are identified
as ‘Prior Records’ under the column labeled "Record Status".