PC-8 - Entering Graduate Information
Figure 3. PC-8 - Entering Graduate Information
Enter Total # Graduated/Completed (whether funded by BHW or not): Total: For Column 8 (Block 8), enter the total number of individuals who completed all residency requirements during the current reporting period. Count all residents who completed residency programs, regardless of whether the resident directly received a BHW-funded financial award. Enter Total # Graduated/Completed (whether funded by BHW or not): URM: For Column 9 (Block 8a), enter the number individuals who completed all residency requirements during the current reporting period and are underrepresented minorities.
Column 9 is a subset of Column 8.
Residents who permanently left their residency program before completion (i.e., attrition) will be counted separately in Column 10 (Block 9).
Refer to the glossary for a definition of disadvantaged background and underrepresented minority.
Example: The School of Medicine had a total of 11 Internal Medicine residents maintain enrollment in the residency program during the current reporting period. Among the 11 Internal Medicine residents who were enrolled in the program, a total of 3 residents completed all residency requirements during the reporting period.
In Block 8, the reporting official at the School of Medicine would enter 3.
Example: The School of Medicine had a total of 11 Internal Medicine residents maintain enrollment in the residency program during the current reporting period. Among the 11 Internal Medicine residents who were enrolled in the program, a total of 3 residents completed all residency requirements during the reporting period; none who completed the residency program are underrepresented minorities.
In Block 8a, the reporting official at the School of Medicine would enter 0.