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HRSA Electronic Handbooks

Advanced Nursing Education- Nurse Practitioner Residency Fellowship Program

  • Health Resources and Services Administration
  • Academic Year: 2023-2024
  • Bureau of Health Workforce
  • OMB Number: 0906-0086
  • Annual Performance Report
  • OMB Expiration Date: 03/31/2027

FD-1a: Faculty Development - Structured Faculty Development Training Programs

The FD-1a subform captures general information about structured faculty development programs offered by grantees using BHW funds. Please complete this subform for each structured faculty development program offered during the reporting period and supported with BHW funds. If you have any questions about how to complete this subform, please refer to the instruction manual and/or contact your Government Project Officer. If you wish to view data that were submitted in the prior reporting period, click on the ‘View Prior Period Data’ link and a read-only version of your most recent prior performance report will pop-up in a new screen. Also, records about ongoing training programs or activities from the prior reporting period will auto-populate into this form and are identified as ‘Prior Records’ under the column labeled "Record Status".

Add Structured Faculty Development Program

No.Record StatusProgram Name
Select Program Status in the Current Reporting Period
Select Whether this was a Preceptor Training Program
For Non-Degree Bearing Program, Enter Length of Training Program in Clock Hours
Block 3
Enter the % of Time Spent Developing Competencies for the Following RolesEnter # of Faculty Who Completed the Program
Block 6
Select whether any Faculty Received any type of BHW-Funded Financial Award during the Training Program
Block 7
Block 5
Block 5
Block 5
Block 5

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