PC-8 - Entering Enrollment Information
Multiple steps are required to complete this portion of the subform. Please read instructions carefully.
The PC-8 subform is displayed only if you have selected the "OWEP-1b" purpose in the Grant Purpose - Setup form (post-doc, MD) and have at least one Active Residency program.
Figure 2. PC-8 - Entering Enrollment Information
Enter Total # Enrolled (whether funded by BHW or not): Total: For Block 3, enter the total number of residents who participated in each residency program during the current reporting period. Count all residents who participated in the residency program, regardless of whether or not the resident directly received a BHW-funded financial award (i.e., stipend).
Enter Total # Enrolled (whether funded by BHW or not): URM: For Block 3a, enter the number of residents who participated in the residency program during the current reporting period and were underrepresented minorities.
Enter Total # Enrolled (whether funded by BHW or not): Disadvantaged Background and not URM: For Block 3b, enter the number of residents from disadvantaged backgrounds who participated in the residency program during the current reporting period but were not underrepresented minorities.
Residents who permanently left their residency program before completion (i.e. attrition) will be counted separately in Column 10 (Block 9).
Refer to the glossary for a definition of underrepresented minority.
Refer to the glossary for a definition of disadvantaged background.
The John Doe School of Medicine had 18 Medicine Psychiatry residents maintain enrollment in the residency program during the current annual reporting period. Among the 18 residents who were enrolled in this program, 9 residents were underrepresented minorities. In addition, 3 residents were from disadvantaged backgrounds, but were not under-represented minorities.
- In Column 5 (Block 3), the reporting official would enter 18.
- In Column 6 (Block 3a), the reporting official would enter 9.
- In Column 7 (Block 3b), the reporting official would enter 3.