Welcome to the Bureau of Health Workforce's Performance Measures Handbook (BPMH)! This instruction manual has been carefully designed to assist your organization in completing the required Performance Report for Grants and Cooperative Agreements (PRGCA) which is also referred to as the Annual Performance Report (APR). Please read through this manual carefully, as it contains examples and a series of step-by-step instructions that will aid you in completing all required forms.
1. All required performance measures are linked to the following legislative purpose(s) of the PHSP grant program:
The purpose of the PHSP is to strengthen the public health workforce by providing support to organizations to develop scholarship programs that incentivize individuals to pursue careers in public health. Through the PHSP, scholarship recipients will gain the requisite knowledge and skills necessary to prevent, prepare for, and respond to recovery activities related to COVID-19, as well as other public health emergencies. This program will provide funds to award recipients to provide scholarships to individuals, including grant recipient employees, receiving training in professional, graduate, and/or certificate programs in public health. Applicants will be required to have an existing public health training program as well as public health partnerships in place, along with a system for scholarship recipients to maintain or be transitioned into employment in public health upon completion of their training.
2. Data submitted by grantees must cover all activities that took place between July 01, 2023 - June 30, 2024. This is true for all grant programs except NHSC-SLRP. If you are reporting for NHSC-SLRP, data must cover all activities that took place between September 01, 2023 - August 31, 2024.
3. Each year, the APR is due no later than July 31, 2024. Failure to submit an APR by this date may place your grant in a noncompliant status. If you are reporting for NHSC-SLRP, the APR is due no later than September 21, 2024.
4. Officials at the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) will review and approve all APRs submitted by grantees. In the case that revisions are needed, you will be granted the ability to re-enter the BPMH system, make corrections, and submit a revised APR. All revisions must be resubmitted within five (5) business days of the initial request. Failure to resubmit a revised APR within five (5) business days may place your grant in a noncompliant status.
5. We appreciate your feedback and assistance during this process. If you have any questions or require further assistance in completing your APR, please visit the grants home page or contact the HRSA Call Center. All requests for technical assistance will be coordinated through the Call Center and responded to promptly: Call Center Phone Number: 877-GO4-HRSA (877-464-4772) or Call Center Online Assistance Form: click here.