EXP-1 - Entering Site Name Figure 1. EXP-1 - Entering Site Name
Site Name: Enter the name of any new sites used to train individuals during the current reporting period in the row labeled, “Enter the Site’s Name.” Next, click the “Add Record” button. New sites will be listed at the bottom of the data table, beneath all previously used sites (i.e., prior records). Repeat this process as necessary to enter the names of each NEW site used during the current reporting period. Note There is an option to delete both new and prior records on EXP-1. This option should only be used if the clinical sites will not be used in the future, or were erroneously entered. The delete option is not reversible (i.e. if the site was erroneously deleted, it will need to be re-entered again). |
EXP-1 - Selecting Whether the Site was Used in the Current Period Figure 2. EXP-1 - Selecting Whether the Site was Used in the Current Period
Select Whether the Site was Used in the Current Reporting Period: Select whether each site was used during the reporting period by clicking on the drop-down menu in Column 2 and choosing one of the following options: Warning For NEW sites, you must select "Yes" in Column 2.
NoteIf the clinical site was used in the current reporting period, then you must enter or update information for all subsequent columns in that row. If the clinical site was NOT used in the current reporting period, then the remaining columns are not required.
Note If a clinical site was NOT used in the current reporting period, then it will not appear on EXP-2 or EXP-3 as a dropdown option in Column 1.
Note If "No" is selected in Column 2, then you must provide a comment in describing why that site was not utilized in the current reporting period. |
EXP-1 - Selecting Type of Site Used Figure 3. EXP-1 - Selecting Type of Site Used
Select Type of Site Used: Select the type of site used to train individuals during the current reporting period by clicking on the drop-down menu under Column 3 and choosing from one of the following options: - Academic institution
- Acute Care for the Elderly (ACE) Units
- Acute care services
- Aerospace operations setting
- Ambulatory practice sites
- Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC)
- Community Care Programs for Elderly Mentally Challenged Individuals
- Community-based Organization
- Critical Access Hospital
- Day and Home Care Programs (e.g. Home Health)
- Dentist Office
- Emergency Room
- Federal and State Bureau of Prisons
- Federal Government - Other
- FQHC or look-alike
- Hospice
- Hospital
- Independent Living Facility
- Indian Health Service (IHS) Site
- International Nonprofit/Nongovernmental Organization
- Local Government Office or Agency
- Local Health Department
- Long-Term Care Facility
- Mobile Clinic/Site
- National Health Association or Affiliate
- Nurse Managed Health Clinics
- Nursing Home
- Other
- Other Community Health Center (e.g. free clinic)
- Other Oral Health Facility
- Physician Office
- Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly
- Residential Living Facility
- Rural Health Clinic
- School-based Clinic
- Senior Centers
- Specialty Clinics (e.g. mental health practice/rehabilitation/substance abuse clinic)
- State Government Office or Agency
- State Health Department
- Tribal Health Department
- Tribal Organization
- Veterans Affairs Hospital or Clinic
Note If you select "Other" in Column 3, provide an explanation in the comments field and reference the site name. |
EXP-1 - Selecting Type of Setting Where the Site was Located Figure 4. EXP-1 - Selecting Type of Setting Where the Site was Located
Select whether each site used to train individuals during the current reporting period was located in designated settings by clicking on the drop-down menu under Column 4 and choosing all that apply from the following options: Select Type of Setting Where the Site was Located: - Medically underserved community
- Primary Care Setting
- Rural area
- None of the above
Warning “None of the above” cannot be selected in combination with any other option. Reference To determine whether a site is located in a medically underserved community, please visit HRSA’s Office of Shortage Designation at http://datawarehouse.hrsa.gov/GeoAdvisor/ShortageDesignationAdvisor.aspx
Reference To determine whether a site is located in a rural area, please visit HRSA’s Office of Rural Health Policy at http://datawarehouse.hrsa.gov/RuralAdvisor/ruralhealthadvisor.aspx |
EXP-1 - Selecting Partnerships Developed Using BHW Funds Figure 5. EXP-1 - Selecting Partnerships Developed Using BHW Funds
Select the Primary Purpose of the Grant Partnership(s) Developed or Enhanced using BHW Funding: Select the primary purpose of the site-related partnership(s) developed or enhanced using BHW funding by clicking on the drop-down menu in Column 5a and selecting the best option - Clinical/experiential training
- Community outreach
- Curriculum development
- Didactic training
- Establishing and maintaining apprenticeships
- Field placements in medically underserved and/or rural areas
- Interprofessional training
- Job placement
- Matriculation into health professions schools
- Mentoring students/trainees
- Providing faculty development
- Providing faculty/clinical preceptors
- Recruitment of trainees
- Recruitment of URM/disadvantaged/rural trainees
- Technical assistance
- No partnerships developed or expanded
- None of the above
Select Types of Partner Organizations for the Primary Purpose: Select the type(s) of site-related partner organizations associated with the primary purpose indicated in column 5a by clicking on the drop-down menu in Column 5b and choosing all that apply. - Academic Institution
- Academic Medical Center
- Area Health Education Center
- Certified Community Behavioral Health Center (CCBHC)
- Community Behavioral Health/Mental Health Center
- Community Health Center (CHC)
- Critical Access Hospital
- Federal Government
- FQHC or Look-Alike
- Health Department (local/state/tribal)
- Hospital (non-academic)
- Indian Health Service (IHS)/Tribal/Urban Indian Health Center
- Nursing Home
- Other Clinical Health Setting
- Other Community-Based Organization
- Other Long-term Care Facility
- Other Specialty Clinic
- Private Industry
- Private Practice
- Residential Living Facility (including independent and assisted living)
- Rural Health Clinic
- School-based Clinic
- State or Local Government
- US Armed Forces
- Veterans Affairs Healthcare (e.g. VA hospital or clinic)
- No additional partners for the primary purpose other than the site itself
- N/A
Select Secondary Purpose(s) of the Grant Partnership(s): Select any additional purpose(s) of site-related partnerships by clicking on the drop-down menu in Column 5c and choosing all that apply. - Clinical/experiential training
- Community outreach
- Curriculum development
- Didactic training
- Establishing and maintaining apprenticeships
- Field placements in medically underserved and/or rural areas
- Interprofessional training
- Job placement
- Matriculation into health professions schools
- Mentoring students/trainees
- Providing faculty development
- Providing faculty/clinical preceptors
- Recruitment of trainees
- Recruitment of URM/disadvantaged/rural trainees
- Technical assistance
- N/A
Example: Organization XYZ is offering clinical/experiential training for grant program trainees at a hospital. There are no additional partner organizations associated with the clinical/experiential training, but the hospital site has an additional partnership for the purpose of recruiting trainees for grant-related activities. In this example, you would enter “Hospital” in Column 3 (Site Type), “Clinical/experiential training” in Column 5a (Primary Purpose), “No additional partners for the primary purpose other than the site itself” in Column 5b (Partner Organizations for the Primary Purpose), and “Recruitment of Trainees” in Column 5c (Secondary Purpose). Note that we are not capturing the partners associated with the recruitment of trainees, just the partnership purpose. Example: Organization ABC is offering clinical/experiential training for grant program trainees at a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC). However, the main partnerships at this site are focused on offering interprofessional training. The partners associated with offering interprofessional training include Certified Community Behavioral Health Centers (CCBHCs), rural health clinics, and other community-based organizations. In this case, additional purpose of the partnerships at this site is to offer clinical/experiential training. In this example, you would enter “FQHC or look-alike” in Column 3 (Site Type), “Interprofessional training” in Column 5a (Primary Purpose), “Certified Community Behavioral Health Center (CCBHC)”, “Rural Health Clinic”, and “Other Community-Based Organization” in Column 5b (Partner Organizations for the Primary Purpose), and “Clinical/experiential training” in Column 5c (Secondary Purpose). Note that you do not select “FQHC or look-alike” in Column 5b unless there is an additional FQHC or look-alike (one other than the site itself) involved in the partnership. |
EXP-1 - Selecting Type(s) of Vulnerable Population Figure 6. EXP-1 - Selecting Type(s) of Vulnerable Population
Select Type(s) of Vulnerable Population Served at this Site: Select the type(s) of vulnerable populations served at each site used to train individuals during the reporting period by clicking on the drop-down menu in Column 7 and choosing all that apply from the following options: - Children or Adolescents
- Chronically ill
- College students
- Individuals experiencing homelessness
- Individuals with HIV/AIDS
- Individuals with limited English proficiency
- Individuals with mental illness or substance use disorders
- Low income persons/families
- Military and/or military families
- Older adults
- People with disabilities
- Pregnant women and infants
- Tribal Populations
- Unemployed
- Uninsured/Underinsured persons/families
- Veterans
- Victims of interpersonal violence abuse or trauma
Warning You may not select "None of the above" in combination with any other option. |
EXP-1 - Entering Site's Geographical DataStreet address information is required for each training site location. After saving and validating EXP-1, you will move to a new page which will allow you to standardize the addresses of your active sites. Figure 7. EXP-1 - Entering Site's Geographical Data
Street Address 1: Enter line 1 of the Street Address where each training site is located by using the textbox in Column 7a.Street Address 2: If needed, enter line 2 of the Street Address where each training site is located by using the textbox in Column 7b.Zip Code: Enter the zip code where each training site is located by using the textbox in Column 8.City: City will automatically populate after you save and validate this form.State: State will automatically populate after you save and validate this form.Four Digit Zip Code Extension: The Zip Code Extension will automatically populate after you complete the address standardization process. |
EXP-1 - Selecting Whether the Training Site Implements Interprofessional Education and/or Practice Figure 8. EXP-1 - Selecting Whether the Training Site Implements Interprofessional Education and/or Practice
Select whether the training site implements interprofessional education and/or practice: Select whether the training site implements interprofessional education and/or practice |
EXP-1 - Selecting any HHS Priorities Addressed at this Site Figure 9. EXP-1 - Selecting any HHS Priorities Addressed at this Site
Select any HHS Priorities Addressed at this Site: Using the dropdown menu in Column 14, select all that apply from the list of HHS priorities that were addressed at this site. - This site offers integrated behavioral health services in a primary care setting
- This site offers maternal health services
- This site offers medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD)
- This site offers substance use treatment services
- This site offers telehealth services
- None of the above
EXP-1 - Standardizing Addresses for Active SitesTo begin the address standardization process, click the “Process Addresses” button. The system will return suggested addresses for your active sites and identify sites that may need correction. This process is important because it ensures the accuracy of experiential training site locations and allows BHW to integrate your clinical training site data into the HRSA Health Sites Dashboard. For step-by-step instructions on this process, please visit the Address Standardization Wiki. Warning Please confirm that the suggested addresses are correct before saving and continuing on to the EXP-2 or EXP-3 form. To Complete the Form: Click on the "Save and Validate" button located on the bottom right corner of your screen. If no errors are found, the BPMH system will automatically route you to the address standardization page. |