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HRSA Electronic Handbooks


Program Manual

WelcomeGetting Started Getting Started - How Performance Measure Data Fields Are Identified in the FormsGetting Started: Browser SettingsGetting Started: Helpful Resources and RecommendationsSetup FormsTraining Program - Setup Faculty Development – SetupProgram Characteristics-PC SubformsPC-1: Program Characteristics – Degree/Diploma/Certificate Training ProgramsPC-3: Program Characteristics – Non-degree bearing Structured Training ProgramsLegislative Requirements & Demographic Variables-LR and DV SubformsLR-1a: Trainees by Training CategoryLR-2: Trainees by Age & SexDV-1: Trainees by Racial & Ethnic BackgroundDV-2: Trainees from a Disadvantaged BackgroundIndividual Characteristics-INDGEN SubformsIND-GEN: Individual CharacteristicsINDGEN-PY: Individual Prior YearExperiential Characteristics-EXP SubformsEXP-1: Training Site SetupEXP-2: Experiential Characteristics - Trainees by Profession/DisciplineEXP-3: Experiential Characteristics - Team Based CareCourse Development and Enhancement-CDE SubformsCDE-1: Course Development and Enhancement - Course InformationCDE-2: Course Development and Enhancement - Trainees by Profession/DisciplineFaculty Development, Instruction, and Recruitment-FD SubformsFD-1a: Faculty Development - Structured Faculty Development Training ProgramsFD-1b: Faculty Development - Faculty Trained By Profession/DisciplineFD-2a: Faculty Development - Faculty Development ActivitiesFD-2b: Faculty Development - Faculty Trained By Profession/DisciplinePrinting Your Performance ReportSubmitting Your Performance ReportAppendix A: GlossaryAppendix B: FAQs

Nurse Education, Practice, Quality and Retention Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (IPCP)

  • Health Resources and Services Administration
  • Academic Year: 2023-2024
  • Bureau of Health Workforce
  • OMB Number: 0906-0086
  • Annual Performance Report
  • OMB Expiration Date: 03/31/2027

Getting Started

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has issued a 3-year approval for the annual collection of performance measures across all grants and cooperative agreements funded through the Health Resources and Services Administration's Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW) (OMB # 0906-0086; Expiration Date: 03/31/2027). The BPMH system has been significantly enhanced to incorporate all approved subforms, as well as increase system performance and functionality. Throughout the manual, there are several icons that identify tips and other important information that will assist you in completing each subform accurately (see below).

Warning Image Marks a warning statement. Please read information in bold carefully in order to complete each subform accurately.

Notes Image Marks a tip or important note for completing a specific column or subform in the BPMH system.

End of Form Image Marks the end of a subform and provides instructions for initiating required validations checks.

Due to the nature of annual reporting, the BPMH system has been recently enhanced to prepopulate specific columns within certain subforms with data submitted in a previous reporting period. In addition, a "View Prior Period Data" link has been added at the top of each subform in order to provide you with easy access to data submitted by your organization in prior reporting periods.

View Prior Period Data Image

Figure 1. Screenshot of View Prior Period Data Link

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