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HRSA Electronic Handbooks


Program Manual

WelcomeGetting StartedGetting Started - How Performance Measure Data Fields Are Identified in the FormsGetting Started: Browser SettingsGetting Started: Helpful Resources and Recommendations Setup FormsTraining Program - Setup Faculty Development – SetupProgram Characteristics-PC SubformsPC-1: Program Characteristics – Degree/Diploma/Certificate Training ProgramsPC-3: Program Characteristics – Non-degree bearing Structured Training ProgramsLegislative Requirements & Demographic Variables-LR and DV SubformsLR-1a: Trainees by Training CategoryLR-2: Trainees by Age & SexDV-1: Trainees by Racial & Ethnic BackgroundDV-2: Trainees from a Disadvantaged BackgroundIndividual Characteristics-INDGEN SubformsIND-GEN: Individual CharacteristicsINDGEN-PY: Individual Prior YearExperiential Characteristics-EXP SubformsEXP-1: Training Site SetupEXP-2: Experiential Characteristics - Trainees by Profession/DisciplineEXP-3: Experiential Characteristics - Team Based CareCourse Development and Enhancement-CDE SubformsCDE-1: Course Development and Enhancement - Course InformationCDE-2: Course Development and Enhancement - Trainees by Profession/DisciplineFaculty Development, Instruction, and Recruitment-FD SubformsFD-1a: Faculty Development - Structured Faculty Development Training ProgramsFD-1b: Faculty Development - Faculty Trained By Profession/DisciplineFD-2a: Faculty Development - Faculty Development ActivitiesFD-2b: Faculty Development - Faculty Trained By Profession/DisciplinePrinting Your Performance ReportSubmitting Your Performance ReportAppendix A: GlossaryAppendix B: FAQs

Nurse Education, Practice, Quality and Retention Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (IPCP)

  • Health Resources and Services Administration
  • Academic Year: 2023-2024
  • Bureau of Health Workforce
  • OMB Number: 0906-0086
  • Annual Performance Report
  • OMB Expiration Date: 03/31/2027

Getting Started: Helpful Resources and Recommendations

The following is a list of resources and tips you may find helpful in the event you need assistance:

  1. Begin PRGCA data entry early and submit your report prior to the deadline.
  2. Browser Settings: Check your Internet browser and its settings by using ‘Recommended Settings’ tab on the EHB home screen within the yellow banner in the top left corner of the screen. Look for green check marks for all system requirements in order to meet system requirements and proceed.
  3. Reporting on Your Grant: Several resources are available on HRSA’s “Reporting on Your Grant” page, including general EHB guidance as well as links to the performance measures and program manual.
  4. Resource Links: Several resources are available via the ‘Resource’ tab on the EHB home screen including the following links:     
    1. View Prior Period Data- Previously submitted PRGCA data are available in read-only mode
    2. Glossary- Current definitions of key terms
    3. Instruction Manual- Electronic copy of this program manual (can also be found on the website)
    4. The INDGEN Excel upload instructional video.
  5. Grant Personnel: Review your grant personnel listed in EHB and update this list as necessary. Ensure that listed personnel have appropriate authorizations (i.e., PRGCA submission, etc.). Make sure you have a backup person in place to submit your report!
  6. Sequence of Forms: Complete PRGCA forms in the order they appear (i.e., complete EXP-1 prior to EXP-2)
  7. Saving and Validating: You must click ‘Save and Validate’ in order to move to the next form. Save your work frequently (every 15-20 minutes) and print a hard copy of your report prior to submission.
  8. Government Project Officers: Contact your Government Project Officer if you need further assistance on the content of your report.
  9. HRSA Call Center: If you need additional assistance, contact the HRSA Call Center.  If you have contacted the Call Center and are waiting for a reply, you should follow-up with them 48 hours after the initial contact. Have your ticket number ready (the same ticket number will be used at all tier levels now). Do not wait for the Call Center to return a phone call or email: Call Center Phone Number: 877-Go4-HRSA/877-464-4772 or Call Center Online Assistance Form click here.


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