Health Resources and Services Administration
Academic Year: 2023-2024
Bureau of Health Workforce
OMB Number: 0906-0086
Annual Performance Report
OMB Expiration Date: 03/31/2027
PC-7: Program Characteristics – Practica and Field Placements
PC-7 - Selecting Partnerships Developed Using BHW Funds Figure 1. PC-7 - Selecting Partnerships Developed Using BHW Funds
Select the Primary Purpose of the Grant Partnership(s) Developed or Enhanced using BHW Funding: Select the primary purpose of the partnership used to develop or enhance the training program by clicking on the drop-down menu in column 2a and selecting the most applicable option. - Clinical/experiential training
- Community outreach
- Curriculum development
- Didactic training
- Establishing and maintaining apprenticeships
- Field placements in medically underserved and/or rural areas
- Interprofessional training
- Job placement
- Matriculation into health professions schools
- Mentoring students/trainees
- Providing faculty development
- Providing faculty/clinical preceptors
- Recruitment of trainees
- Recruitment of URM/disadvantaged/rural trainees
- Technical assistance
- None of the above
- No partnerships developed or expanded
Select Types of Partner Organizations for the Primary Purpose: Select the type(s) of organizations associated with the primary partnership purpose indicated in question 2a by clicking on the drop-down menu in column 2b and choosing all options that apply. - Academic Institution
- Academic Medical Center
- Area Health Education Center
- Certified Community Behavioral Health Center (CCBHC)
- Community Behavioral Health/Mental Health Center
- Community Health Center (CHC)
- Critical Access Hospital
- Federal Government
- FQHC or Look-Alike
- Health Department (local/state/tribal)
- Hospital (non-academic)
- Indian Health Service (IHS)/Tribal/Urban Indian Health Center
- Nursing Home
- Other Clinical Health Setting
- Other Community-Based Organization
- Other Long-term Care Facility
- Other Specialty Clinic
- Private Industry
- Private Practice
- Residential Living Facility (including independent and assisted living)
- Rural Health Clinic
- School-based Clinic
- State or Local Government
- US Armed Forces
- Veterans Affairs Healthcare (e.g. VA hospital or clinic)
- N/A
Select Secondary Purpose(s) of the Grant Partnership(s): Select any additional purpose(s) of the partnerships used to develop or enhance the training program by clicking on the drop-down menu in column 2cand choosing all options that apply. - Clinical/experiential training
- Community outreach
- Curriculum development
- Didactic training
- Establishing and maintaining apprenticeships
- Field placements in medically underserved and/or rural areas
- Interprofessional training
- Job placement
- Matriculation into health professions schools
- Mentoring students/trainees
- Providing faculty development
- Providing faculty/clinical preceptors
- Recruitment of trainees
- Recruitment of URM/disadvantaged/rural trainees
- Technical assistance
- N/A